Bios Cabo Verde

Artigos Científicos e Outras Publicações


  1. Pfaller JB, Palau AN, Agamboué PD, Barret M, Ciccione S, Cliff G, Formia A, Manfoumbi JC, Marco A, Sounguet G-P and Tucker2019. New records of Planes crabs associated with sea turtles in Africa and adjacent waters, African Journal of Marine Science, 41:3, 331-336, DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2019.1651394
  2. Martínez-Garrido J, Creed JC, Martins S, Almada CH and Serrão EA. 2017. First genetically identified record, morphological description, and phylogenetic relationships of diploid Ruppia maritima from Cape Verde Archipelago, West Africa. Botanica Marina. DOI:
  3. Loureiro NS and Martins S. 2016. The status of Ischnura senegalensis (Odonata: Zygoptera) in Cape Verde. Confirmation of life cycle closing. African Entomology, 24(2): 448–452. 4001/003.024.0448
  4. Veiga A, Martins S and Loureiro NS. 2015. Zonas húmidas de Cabo Verde/ Wetlands of Cape Verde. Gráfica Comercial, Loulé, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-5766-8. PT401363/15 CV025/15. 78 pp.
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