Bios Cabo Verde

Artigos de Investigação




  1. Freitas R, Monteiro C, Rodrigues I, Tavares A, Monteiro G, López P, Martins S, Ferreira J, Lima L, Tavares JP and Palma P. 2019. Cabo Verde Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus, on the brink: community perceptions, inferences and facts of an extreme population crash. Bird Conservation International. 


  1. Wenzel F, Broms WF, López-Suárez P, Lopes K, Veiga N, Yeoman K, Rodrigues MSD, Allen J, Fernald TW, Stevick PT, Jones L, Jann B, Bouveret L, Ryan C, Berrow S and Corkeron P 2019. Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Cape Verde Islands: Migratory Patterns, Resightings, and Abundance. Aquatic Mammals.


  1. Tanner CE, Marco A, Martins S, Abella E and Hawkes LA. 2019. Highly feminised sex ratio estimations for the world’s third largest nesting aggregation of the loggerhead sea turtle. Marine Ecology Progress Series.  621:209–219.

Outras áreas

  1. Pfaller JB, Palau AN, Agamboué PD, Barret M, Ciccione S, Cliff G, Formia A, Manfoumbi JC, Marco A, Sounguet G-P and Tucker AD. 2019. New records of Planes crabs associated with sea turtles in Africa and adjacent waters, African Journal of Marine Science, 41:3, 331-
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