Bios Cabo Verde

Cetáceos- Artigos Cientificos


  1. Wenzel F, Broms WF, López-Suárez P, Lopes K, Veiga N, Yeoman K, Rodrigues MSD, Allen J, Fernald TW, Stevick PT, Jones L, Jann B, Bouveret L, Ryan C, Berrow S and Corkeron P 2019. Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Cape Verde Islands: Migratory Patterns, Resightings, and Abundance. Aquatic Mammals. 46(1), 21-31
  2. Bachara W, Berrow S, Suárez PL, Dias D and Ratão SS. 2018. Stranding and sighting records of Gervais’ beaked whale in Cabo Verde. Zoologia Caboverdiana. 7, 19-21.
  3. Stevick PT, Berrow SD, Bérubé M, Bouveret L, Broms F, Jann B, … and Wenzel F. 2016. There and back again: multiple and return exchange of humpback whales between breeding habitats separated by an ocean basin. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 96(4), 885-890.
  4. O’Dwyer PR, Berrow S, López-Suárez P and Oujo Alamo C. 2015. Insights into the diet of a poorly known species: pygmy killer whale Feresa attenuata from Cape Verde, West Africa. African journal of marine science, 37(3), 427-430.
  5. Berrow S, Suárez PL, Jann B, O’Brien J, Ryan C, Varela J and Hazevoet CJ. 2015. Recent and noteworthy records of Cetacea from the Cape Verde Islands. Zoologia Caboverdiana, 5, 111-115.
Bios.CV - conservação e desenvolvimento

6. Ryan C, Wenzel FW, López-Suárez P and Berrow S. 2014. An abundance estimate for humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae breeding around Boa Vista, Cape Verde Islands. Zoologia Caboverdiana Journal. 5(1): 20-28.

7. Ryan C, Craid D, Lopez-Suárez P, Vazquez Perez J, O’Connor I and Berrow S. (2013). Breeding habitat of poorly studied humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Boa Vista, Cape Verde. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 13(2): 175-180.

8. Ryan C, McHugh B, Boyle B, McGovern E, Bérubé M, Lopez-Suárez P, … and Clapham PJ. 2013. Levels of persistent organic pollutants in eastern North Atlantic humpback whales. Endangered Species Research, 22(3), 213-223. DOI:

9. López-Suárez P, Oujo C, Acre M and Hazevoet CJ. 2012. A stranding of pygmy killer whale Feresa attenuata Gray, 1874 on Boavista during February 2012: first record for the Cape Verde Islands. Zoologia Caboverdiana, 3(1): 52-55.

10. Wenzel FW and Suárez PL. 2012. What is known about cookiecutter shark (Isistius spp.) interactions with cetaceans in Cape Verde seas. Zool Caboverdiana, 3, 57-66.

11. Hazevoet CJ, Gravanita B, López Suárez P and Wenzel FW. 2011. Seasonality of humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski, 1781) records in Cape Verde seas: evidence for the occurrence of stocks from both hemispheres. Zoologia Caboverdiana, 2(1), 25-29.

12. Hazevoet CJ, Monteiro V, López P, Varo N, Torda G, Berrow S and Gravanita B. 2010. Recent data on whales and dolphins (Mammalia: Cetacea) from the Cape Verde Islands, including records of four taxa new to the archipelago. Zoologia Caboverdiana, 1(2), 75-99.

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